New tax incentives for Australian and expat investors are to be introduced in Australia. These will give significant tax breaks to expats looking to invest in an Australian start-up business. These new legislation changes were announced by the Australian government in Canberra recently. The draft …
Top 5 tips for learning a new language as an expat
Living and working in a foreign country offers a myriad of new experiences including learning a new language. In many countries, it’s surprisingly easy to live for years and years speaking only English. But, to get the most out of your experience, try familiarising yourself …
How to get financial help as an expat
Just because you’ve moved from Australia doesn’t mean you won’t need some help and advice about your tax returns and financial situation any more – in fact, you will probably need that sort of advice even more! That’s because while you are well accustomed to …
Culture immersion – from expat to local citizen
Moving to a foreign country is a big deal. You have to go through a lot of admin, like your Australian tax return and paperwork, just to get there, and then settling in can be a challenge, especially if you have children. It’s so easy …